Base Types

Numerical (nat, int, timestamp, mutez)


Nat type represents natural numbers (positive integers U { 0 }); a nat literal should be always followed by an n.

const a: nat = 12n;

A nat value can be converted to int type using the int(nat) builtin function:

const b: int = int(12n);


Int type represents integer numbers; we define an int:

const a: int = 12;

We can check if the int is a nat:

const b1: bool = isNat(12);  // true
const b2: bool = isNat(-12); // false

Transform an int to a nat:

const c: nat = abs(-12);

And negate a nat or int (the result type is always an int):

const d1: int = neg(12n);   // = -12
const d2: int = neg(-12);   // = 12


Mutez type represents a tez amount. A mutez literal si preceeded by mtz or tz; 1000000mtz = 1tz.

const a: mutez = 1tz;
const b: mutez = 1mtz;


Timestamp type represent an unix timestamp (seconds since Jan 01 1970).

const a: timestamp = 1593765393;

We also have an helper called Timestamp.duration which produces an int value for a duration.

const a: int = Timestamp.duration (45, "seconds");
const b: int = Timestamp.duration (45, "minutes");
const c: int = Timestamp.duration (45, "hours");
const d: int = Timestamp.duration (45, "days");
const e: int = Timestamp.duration (45, "weeks");
const f: int = Timestamp.duration (45, "years");

We can get the current timestamp using the now function:

const a: timestamp =;
const b: timestamp = a + Timestamp.duration(1, "days");


Bool type represents a boolean, which has two possible values: true and false.

const aTrue: bool = true;
const aFalse: bool = false;


Enum type are unit variants; low level are represented as nat, so they are comparable (only for equality).

type anEnum = enum (Started | Stopped);

let av: anEnum = anEnum#Started;
let b: bool = av = anEnum#Stopped; // false


String are sequences of characters.

let a: string = "Hello World";

We can get the length of a string with size:

let b: nat = a.size();

And get a slice:

let c: string = a.slice(1, 5);


Bytes are sequences of bytes. Like strings you can get the length and a slice.

let a: bytes = "...";
let b: nat = a.size();
let c: bytes = a.slice(1, 5);

Bytes type is useful for encoding/decoding Michelson data using pack and unpack:

let n: nat = 12n;
let a: bytes = Bytes.pack (n); // pack a nat
let b: nat option = (Bytes.unpack (a): nat option);

let c: bool = n = (Option.getSome(b));


The unit type is a type which has only a value Unit.

const a: unit = Unit;

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