Contract structure

A contract is composed by three blocks:

  • field declarations

  • constructor (optional)

  • entries and views

contract AContract {
    field a: nat;
    field b: string;

    constructor (z: nat) {
        this.a = z;
        this.b = "string";

    entry anEntry(v: nat) {
        this.a = v;

    view aView(): nat {


A field represents a named value in the contract storage:

field fieldName: fieldType;


A constructor is an optional block, which allows to build an initial storage value for the contract; if defined, all storage field should be assigned in the body. The constructor could receive parameters, used to compute the initial storage: this is useful when a contract want to instantiate another contract using createContract.

constructor (aParam: atype) {
    this.field1 = aParam;
    this.field2 = (aParam, "aString);

Entries and Views

Entries and views defined the callable functionalities of the smart contract; they have a name and they could receive parameters.

An entry body is essentially an expression which always evalutes to an operation list. Entry body expression can modify the contract storage using particular expression with side effects (assignments and type specific modifiers).

entry anEntry (p: nat) {
    this.natField = p * 2n;

Views instead, are syntatic sugar for the callback pattern and they're translated to normal entries in the interal AST. Views have a custom return type

view aView (p: nat): nat {
    p * 2n;

Which is equivalent to:

entry aView (p: nat, cb: nat contrac) {
    [ cb (p * 2n) ]

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